About Us
We started with just three goats two years ago; John Goaty, Ava Goatbor, and Sabrina. Eventually we acquired some new additions to the "family" ... Scape goat, GoatDiva, Zsa Zsa and Eva Goatbor and or course Opra Goatfry and Ellen Goatgeneres. The herd now totals 17 does and 2 bucks.
In the spring, we will again start milking our new mommas to feed the kids. The milk is used for our fine soaps, fresh milk for drinking and fresh goat cheeses. The farm is on the track to become class A certified so keep watching this site for the availabilty of fresh cheeses.
The farm is close to an old Cherokee indian camp where one can find arrow heads. These items are left from the tribe of Chief Bowles before Texas became a state. Our goats love these rolling hills to graze and you can see their contented life style carries through to their precious milk.
We hope you enjoy our products.